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Old 12-16-19, 05:04 PM   #233
von Zelda
Posts: n/a
Default CTD Update with aircraft encounters

Spent at least 20 days north of Bougaunville sinking only 5 small, fishing boats. Did not fire a single torpedo. Not one good target in sight, hydrophone or radar.

Numerous aircraft, mostly Zekes in tandem, spotted within visual range. Dove on some at first and then let others just fly by without gunfire. We had CTDs on all four occasions where we manned the machine guns and fired at the enemy aircraft as they approached; each and every time a CTD as they flew away after they attacked, but they did not appear to fire guns or drop bombs or torpedoes. But, here's the really weird part, NO CTDs when we did NOT man the guns and fire; none, not one time. The enemy planes just flew on by.

Returned to Brisbane to have another Patrol Error. Had to exit, reload and enter port again. Still have the Sargo with 4" on the bow that does not shoot because there's no crew spaces to man the gun and apparently a 3" aft that's not supposed to be there but it has crew spaces, so it does shoot. Both guns are visible but only the aft fires. At least this does not materially affect game play like the aircraft CTDs.
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