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Old 09-28-19, 09:09 AM   #1490
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Default Is Patrol 15 the end of game ?


Trying more than 10 times to finish patrol 15 with at the end only to be dead !
Flotilla 2 Wilhelmshaven ordered each time to patrol grid BF 29 as primary (tried between March-April 1941 with brand new IXC and then back to my old VIIB). Then ordered to attack Loch Ewe (rather suicidal : one try) and when trying to catch convoys in AL always CTDs or bad weather : 15 (no chance).
Then BDU order : cross Strait of Gibraltar (2 times if you will go back) and patrol grid CO (especially 25-26 when Greece evacuated) : did it in last play but return where (did one time Thalia : CTD) only with 25% fuel ?
And no ship activity in Mediterranean : i'm playing Baltic-Atantic campaign. Nonsense .

What's the purpose ? Why is BDU sending me to hell ?

Each time when succeeding ending patrol near base witn no more torpedoes and not following BDU orders : dead or degradated with -5000 in renown.

Is it a way to say me I've done enough ?
No retirement with honour and promotion ?

When yes, BDU is really not grateful.
Perhaps I should fight next time with the other side ?

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