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Old 06-07-19, 12:12 PM   #1
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radar Hey guys new to subsim here. Contemplating getting into sh3

Hey guys, new subsimmer here, and new to the franchise in general. I used to watch a lot of silent hunter videos and enjoyed them and I decided to dive on into this world on naval warfare. Been reading subsim forums for a while so i decided to make the account for a change. So what is it that I am asking?

So i went ahead and bought Uboat and i enjoyed it and actively follow it but it needs at least a year and a half to be a full fledged game. But Uboat left that itch in me so i did my research. I tried sh4 but pacific boats aint my thing. Now i do own sh5 and just bought sh3 but between twos and gwx i dont know what to choose. I am a student pilot in real life so the option to try both at its modded state is not an option, so i continued to do research. now most people in the forums swear by sh3 gwx and most of the videos i see, has gwx looking far more superior. i even tried looking online for sh3 vs sh4,sh5,uboat etc but either couldn't find proper results or current results as such because it is a niche game. As such i dont know which one is better, twos or gwx. I know is very arbitrary but Im just trying to make a choice here as time is a factor for me.

In conclusion im thinking of getting into sh3 gwx and the modding scene but im not super sure yet. Is there a good set of modlist compatible with gwx that anyone can recomend and also what is sh3 commander? if anyone knows any youtube videos for sh3 mod installation that will be great. Im going to use some of the stickys here in the forum to figure out the modding scene.

As a conclusion to my research can anyone also recommend if they prefer twos or gwx and why? hopefully this thread can gain some momentum and there will be a more updated result for sh3 gwx vs.... I also dont mind the nostalgic reviews as long as they give their heartfelt opinions. thanks guys.

also ive been watching this and i find this hilarious

Last edited by shadowfaxz95; 06-07-19 at 12:38 PM.
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