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Old 05-05-19, 08:40 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2013
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sadly my installation for TWoS doesn't work. I'll try to provide as much info as possible. The main issue is a popup window in the main menu and when loading into a game. Both popups cannot be closed. I tried several fresh reinstalls with administrative prividledges as described in the manual. Sadly, this doesn't work either.

1. Operating System, System spec ?
Win 10 Pro, 32GB RAM, GeForce 970

2. What is your version of the game ? (DVD, Uplay download, Steam, other ?)
Steam - WoS Steam patch ran successfully (at least it said so).

3. Confirm that your game is updated to official v1.2.0 version and that the vanilla game works without problems.

4. Provide a screenshot which will show all content and installation path of your main Silent Hunter 5 install folder.
Would love to but can't.

5. Describe briefly your mod installation process and specify any error messages you've got during the installation.
Followed the manual to the tee, with admin privilegdes and all.

6. Confirm that you have checked for solution in provided install instructions and other documentation?
Yes, even in the forum. The suggested solutions here don't work.

7. Specify mods you're using and state your mod order (do not type the list manually, use "Export activated mods list to" JSGME function).
No additional mods are active.

8. If you use any unsupported mods, remove them, reinstall your game/TWoS completely according to install instruction, start new campaign and make sure that the issue still persist.
See above.

9. Make sure to provide as much details as possible when describing situation where problem/bug/CTD can be observed. What should we do in order to reproduce this issue?

10. Upload several screenshots and gamesaves where problem can be observed.
Screenshot 1 is from the main menu,
screenshot 2 is the view when I load into a game,
screenshots 3 & 4 are the contents of my SH5 directory,
screenshot 5 are my enabled mods (none).

EDIT: I tried uploading screenshots but couldn't find out how to. Do you guys have any ideas?
2nd EDIT: provided the screenshots under point 10. Thanks for your help!

Last edited by maxxe; 05-05-19 at 12:08 PM.
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