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Old 04-21-19, 07:33 AM   #3
LSH-2022 Liaison Officer
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I will be hosting Wolfpack Games from 18:00-22:00 gmt

ive setup a Wolfpack Adler Group.
ive mastered the dive and helm station now learning the TDC AOB stuff thanks to Onkel Neals post on the subject the angle on the bow is from the aspect of the target ships
bearing/view of you in your uboat that was the eureka moment for me.
Playing SH3 GWX Steel Sharks Campaign never used manual targeting before seemed like too much trouble especialy late 1942 onwards attacking forty plus ship convoys
with twelve to twenty escorts half of them elite.
Playing Wolfpack with no gods eye mode and no map contact updates may feel a bit daunting at first.
But when you close on the convoy and get into a good firing position and let loose your eels take a look at the torpedo run time and make a note start the stop watch as
the seconds tick away one minuet two minuets and ten seconds no hits ho shoot then on two minuets fiften seconds boom boom shake the room you got a hit you sharp shooter.
I like the sound of the mufelled explosions as the torpedos find there mark when at peiscope depth in your uboat adds to the emersion.
Wolfpack is more than just a Uboat Sim its a labour of love the two guys from skyvader studios have done a cracking job with this game and its only going to get better.
So what you waiting for Wolfpack just one price £27.97 $35 a absolute bargain depending on what side of the big duck pond you live.
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