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Old 03-01-19, 10:07 AM   #8
Machinist's Mate
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
More likely your SH lookouts are spotting the smoke.

Since CDR-PH is on a roll here with his patronizing me for offering you folks some constructive feedback, just let me offer some clarification.

Much respect for what you have achieved here. Wonderful game, well worth what I paid for it. Engrossing, engaging, well-balanced, excellent tutorials and reference materials, based on what little I know about the actual subject of the game, seems to be an excellent balance between realism and playability, app performs well, all the assets are good to excellent (voice, sounds, models, anims, textures, etc.). 8.75/10.

What would make it a 10/10?

Read my previous comments.

Given you guys are GAME DEVELOPERS and have been for quite some time, I'm honestly not too worried that my harsh feedback is going to cause you any undue stress or strain. I'm also quite confident that, you can weigh such feedback for what it is worth, i.e., (a) hmmm, this guy is so full of **** I can smell him through the screen < (b) hmmm, seems like some reasonable ideas, but who cares! We are already rolling in bank from the units we sold with the exact design we implemented! Why would we fix it if it ain't broke!? < (c) hmmm, you know he does make some good points, and this isn't the first time we've had this type of feedback. Maybe for next project we could take some of these points into mind from the ground up during design and maybe expand our market appeal a bit, maybe sell more units??

Now CDR here, sorry to get your panties in a wad bro
You would make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her decks? I pray you excuse me. I have no time to listen to such nonsense.
-attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte (probably paraphrased from Les Merveilles de la science)
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