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Old 03-09-18, 07:41 PM   #1
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Default If unit destroyed

If i have some unit in campaign in one of the .mis files (UKHarbourTraffic.mis in OM for example) and it's destroyed and i make the event with trigger to spawn this unit (destroyer), i mean if i kill the Destroyer and make this event, it will be spawned immediately, in this patrol, or in next patrol? I want that it spawn in next patrol, will it work? Or just the game load this .mis file in next patrol with the same ships that added to this .mis file in editor? If i can't to spawn destroyed unit in next patrol (not in the same when it's destroyed) this way, is there are possible to do it another way or what i have to do else? At least this will not cause CTD?

Last edited by Imarider; 03-09-18 at 11:14 PM.
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