Thread: A new campaign
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Old 12-05-17, 03:37 PM   #1
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Default A new campaign

The war has broken out and it is now time for me, Commander Nijntje of the Happy Bunny Fleet, to go hunting.

They want me to go and sink an amphibious fleet, heading for Iceland. Oh wow. I'm about to fulfil my life expectancy statistic. I load one extra Harpoon - nine in total. I always keep at least one torpedo in the tubes. So cast off me laddies, let's set sail to the freezing north!


<<<Okay, interlude. I realise a lot of you are Americans. I'm not. That's okay, however, I've noticed one thing. We old-world people can be, let's say, quite liberal with foul language. I certainly can. I will try to keep it down to a minimum but please, don't be offended if I slip.>>>

Skipper N: "Who left the ^#%* speed turned on? We're doing a *$*#& twenty knots and there's the whole of the ^*#*^ Soviet Northern fleet above us!"
Ensign P:"Wha..?" while he jolts awake, thus magically releasing the go-faster button.
Skipper N: "Rig for silent running you scallywags! Arrrrrgh! Sensors, what's up?"
  • No duct
  • No layer
  • 600ft
  • beep

Oh wow. Again.

No contacts. Yet.

...Ping. (^$#&.

Conn, sonar. We have new contacts, and they're sort of above us. They're ships and they have RBUs. We're going to die.

Sierra three.
Sierra four.
Sierra five.

By now, I have two harpoons loaded but I can't 647ing use them because I'm still at 600ft and I have two &&^%#$ MK48s running. They still have their wires, though, and they're heading towards assumed ships.

Fire Tube One! Tube Three!

OK, now, keep those wires... Go go go and sloooowly, they move towards their targets, two Kashins. Boom one, that was straightforward.

The other, though. The ship's sonar sees it in one place, the torpedo in the other. Very weird. I take control of the torpedo and circle it around. No, that's me. Not going there! I see the sip, visually, and guide the torpedo to it; scratch another! ow, going up to use my rockets. Let's see how that works ot for me.

To be continued.
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