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Old 11-07-17, 12:31 PM   #12
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In the racing community many peope say that to avoid nausea, you want frames kept at 90 if possible. A latency gap that hardly or not atv all can be noticed, and smooth frames, that is of paramount imporanc ein VR. That is the reason why just minumum specs time and again brign people trying VR into troubles. And that is why I wenjt so expensively with my nerw rig, it is an atypical buy for me habits of the past 15, 20 years. I wanted to have those performance reserves. Obviously, that brings the price for a new machine up high into the air, and these costs need to be added to those for the headset.

The Vive costs twice as much and more than the Oculus. Solid argument there.

@ SS Norholm,

if you are short on VR legs, then pay attention to that you said you already grew dizzy from FSX on a standard screen. I take it that you maybe are not used to playing computer games at all. Your brain is untrained, and this pays off against you twice when using VR. But almost everybody says that the brain can be trained, like kids over time learn not to suffer from nausea when driving in cars with with their poarents. Many kids suffer nausea at young ages then, due to the movement. And later, it dissappears. From day to day, icnrease the time a little bit you spend in VR, but stop shortly before you feel nausea. Your tolerance should improve, by all empirical experience. Also, do not start with somethign that features excissvely fast movements, but somethign that sees you gently drifting and floating at slow, relaxing pace. A game like Adr1ft, Lone Echo, Saubnautica and the likes may be better suited for beginning, than doing death spirals and loopings in a dogfighter in your first session already. Some people, usually people not playing much, say they could not last longer than 5 minuters int he beginning, others, usually people playing a lot, said that form beginning on they could hold out one or two hours and their problem was not nausea, but warmth.

Brain-train level really seems to have a lot to do with it, and it is no fixiated state.
Give the brain time to adapt. Both in one session, and between sessions.

At least that is my plan for myself.

The inferior resolution is reported by practically everbyody to be forgotten soon once immersion starts to suck you into the game world. Just tell yourself you are playing a game 12 years ago, recall the resoltuoons thta were in use back then. And there you are.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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