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Old 10-13-17, 08:25 PM   #1
Eternal Patrol
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Originally Posted by The Bandit View Post
What I have done to the Mk 16 though (will be in the next release of OAS) is add circle pattern running. This can work out to be a very effective "one-two" punch with the Mk 37. If you have a target (say a Riga) that you put a Mk 37 onto, in order to make him evade, other than maybe trying to set up a low % leading shot with another Mk 37, he'd pretty much be in the clear once the first fish runs out of power or he gets outside of its seeker range. Now in many cases this would put you in position to try a spread of Mk 16s at a nice, non-maneuvering target, but in many cases you're left with a horrible oblique angle-on-bow where you're only shooting at a small slice of the ship, which again greatly decreases your likelihood of scoring a hit. With a circle-runner, as long as the target isn't too far away (to the point that he can get out of range before the fish overtakes him and starts running its circle) you have a pretty good chance of being able to plant what amounts to a moving minefield ahead of him. Now obviously all this goes out the window if he starts maneuvering, but if that happens then there's a good chance the Mk 37 is going to get him when he starts making turns.
That sounds like a pretty good fix. At least it gives us something workable where we at least have a chance, granted, probably a low % chance but still a chance of getting a hit if you be patient and plan your attack well if it's a surface ship target. How would the torp find a sub at different depths, or trying to evade and changing depth? What kind of vertical seeker range would the Mk16 have, if any? Maybe I read this too quick and missed something.
The only other thing I was thinking of is the Mk48 came online sometime in the very late 60's or the early 70's I believe. Does the game model that and will the '68 campaign, if you play it long enough and enough game time goes by, will the game offer us the Mk48 as a stores option to outfit your ship at the historically accurate time in history? If it did I would assume it would be the first version of the 48 that we developed, not the ADCAP. If the game doesn't do this can we do it as a mod? At least this way we have something to look forward to if you stick with the '68 campaign long enough.
I dunno.....I really like the '68 campaign and the early versions of the ship and sub platforms we used. Once in awhile playing something a bit more challenging than just jumping behind the wheel of a Seawolf or Virginia class is pretty cool. I like the challenge of using a Permit, Skipjack or even a November now and then. What can I say....sometimes you just wanna drive a Pinto instead of a Porsche.

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