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Old 09-19-17, 12:27 AM   #8
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No particular game is going to please everyone. I also love the SH series (except SH5 which I think is a disaster, even with the mods so far) and originally resisted purchasing Cold Waters because one, I was not really interested in modern sub warfare and two, Cold Waters seemed too arcadish to me. Well, after they added the crew voices and some other things, I decided to try it and boy was I pleasantly surprised. Its a real blast to play. While it does not have complexity and same feeling of "actually being there" as the SH series, its still quite a nice game. However, unless it gets more complex, I will probably tire of it in a few weeks. And that is only because as a retiree, I have almost unlimited time to play games and really like games that take a considerable amount of time just to learn how to play.
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