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Old 08-24-17, 10:12 PM   #2
Kptlt. Neuerburg
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The breaking of the Enigma codes which where referred to as "Ultra" or the "Most Secret Sources" by the Brits made a massive difference in the outcome of WW2. Mainly through the Double Cross system of "turning" captured German spies and using them to supply a mixture of information that was accurate but arrived too late to be of use and false information to misled the OKW as to what the Allies where doing. This would ultimately lead to Operation Fortitude, the allied deception plan to fool the OKW into thinking the invasion of France would take place in the Pas-De-Calais as well as Fortitude North which was a faked plan to invade Norway which Hitler considered his "sphere of destiny" and would protect at all costs. Fortitude South was another faked invasion on the southern coast of France both of which were put into action to keep as many divisions as possible away from Normandy. Without Ultra and the Double Cross team it the D-Day landings would of most likely have failed and would of taken far longer for the war to have ended.

If you're interested take a look at the books "Double Cross The True Story of the D-DAY Spies", and "Agent Zigzag A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love and Betrayal." by Ben Macintyre. They both offer amazing incite into the Secret War of WW2.
"When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat." - George Carlin
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