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Old 08-12-17, 08:51 AM   #361
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The fighting spirit or ,motivational attiotude amongst German soldiers is not that warrior-like as well. I sometimes mocked the Germans as aid workers who are armed for self defence and who join the armed forces to build schools, repair bridges and drill water holes in the third world, but there is some truth in that description. But that is not for the army, that is for the freedom corps, third world aid organisations, or anything. The German army of today does not see its primary role in fighting, and being a warrior is not what drives recruits to volunteer for the armed forces, many, if not most of them.

You know this funny movie, "300". There is this scene where the few Spartans meet other (more) Greeks, and when the Greeks ask why there are only so few of them Spartans, the king asks them in return what their profession is. The one says his profession is being a philosopher, the second says his profession is to farm the land, and so on. The king asks his own few men then what their profession is, and they shout uni sono "to kill, to kill, to kill!" The king smiles and tells the other Greek's group leader that it seems he has more warriors in place than the Greeks.

Just a movie, and a funny scene, but there is some truth in it. The motivation and soldier's spirit in western armies has been eroded by feminism, political correctness, and an attitude that puts rights over duties. This costs not only a lot of money, but leads to a reduction in efficiency of combat units with females in them, with injury rates amongst females being several times as high as amongst male soldiers, and de facto a privileged status of female soldiers, much to the - by order hidden - contempt of their male colleagues. The problem here is that the enemies we are up against, do not care for gender equality and political correctness. A German army that delays the delivery of its new infantry fighting vehicle due to riding in it may harm the forewater of pregnant female soldiers, has a very serious problem, I would say, and does not give me the impression of being mentally well-prepared for the brutality that war means, or having the needed focus and priorities. It is symptomatic that Ursual von der Leyen wants to meet the challenge of deterring or containing Russian aggression by making the barracks suitiable for children and single mothers, babbels of plans and ressources and intentions, demands German soldiers in battle to collect their shells and separate their garbage and the artillery shall use only biodegradable ammunitions. The Swedish defence ministress wants to counter Putin'S "macho-militarism" with a "feminstic foreign policy" and examplary ressource management. In America, a very capable military thinker like Gen. Patreus gets fired - and many other officers as well - because he maintains a relation with a woman that he knew already since almost 30 years. Isnt that his private stuff? We have a dramatic increase of the PTS industry, that declares more and more soldiers who are not stressed or traumatized at all, as affected by PTS, turning them into patients needing their professional - and costly - expertise, one even wanted to convince the Serbian forces, after the war in the nineties when they got a beating by NATO air power and had to endure quite some shelling, that they all suffered from PTS where the Serbian statistics showed that almost none of their forces suffered from that at all. There are as many things working to the negative, the inner eroding of combat spirit, the weakening of the Wetsern armies, that I cannot list them all in detail here. But really: the eroding fighting spirit, the soldier'S mental attitude, the civil disgust for what such men excel in, their ridiculing, and demanding them to behave in a more feminised, gender-correct, poltically correct way - all this takes away from the purprose of why armed forces are to be maintained in the first.

And this is why the Western armies since WWII have lost most of the military campaigns they ran, despite their technological superiority, against enemies with inferior equipment. The combat spirit leaves more and more to be desired. One cannot even get done with a loose band of lightly armed sheep shepards in the ME whose only advantage is that they are immune to PTS after they committed another massacre or cut off somebody's head. Instead the Germans in afghanistan at least in the past had a ROE forbidding them to shoot at the enmy when he started to withdraw. For heavens sake, have we all lost our senses?

George Orewell wrote: "We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

Once political correctness, gender-ideology, sexual bigottery, feminism, CO2-footprinting, and self-paralysing over all the worries and miseries in the world, are done with the armed forces, not many of these rough men will still be there, willing to serve as our guardians. And then help us God. There is a reason why the west has lost most major wars since WW2, and even has turned military victories by political means into wanted strategic defeats.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 08-12-17 at 09:38 AM.
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