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Old 06-25-17, 05:21 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
If your opinion was a majority opinion, the game would have tanked and Killerfish Games would have been out of business. But it didn't and we're not.

The problem with you hardcore simmer guys is that the type of sim you want really can only be made by a AAA team operating on a AAA budget and that's just not going to happen. Noone is going to want to invest in a hugely expensive project with zero chance of reaching break-even.

So the uber-ambitious dream-sim loses out even before it makes the elevator pitch.
First of all, I supported your game despite knowing early on it will not be "my dream sim". I was happy that there at least will be a new simulation at all and spread the word among friends, hoping to support you as good as possible.
Never blamed you guys for creating the game the way you did, having no stations, etc. - but I wanted to share my honest opinion, as a fan of naval simulations, anyways. It's called feedback and constructive criticism.
Didn't even say the game is bad, ever.
I just explained that it isn't what I would expect under the tag of "simulation", adding that at least two major components are missing (from my perspective) and defended myself against your fanboys, unable to accept that not everybody loves this game.

And I beg to differ: Quite a lot of players said here and on Steam that they really want the new control scheme and crew voices, so I wouldn't be so sure about the irrelevant minority. Also, your game and your team didn't tank because people like me supported it anyways. You're welcome.

Many things you already fixed in CW where exact complaints I voiced here and on Steam, so I wonder if problematic customers like me are really that counter-productive for you/your game in the end, and their opinion is that irrelevant.

But if customers like me really are a problem to you - no worries, that can be fixed for sure!