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Old 06-18-17, 02:22 AM   #18
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The enemy subs use the same controls as the player, and during testing they had (and evidently still have) major issues with staying away from the terrain. So their vertical manuevers were removed, but this doesn't seem to have helped.

Interesting, does the enemy sub not have an idea as to how deep the floor is? If they do, I can't imagine staying away would be too difficult....

Also, I've had a few enemy subs (I think trying to evade my torpedos) dive way deep then sinking themselves, presumably from implosion... Is that a part of the whole "major issue staying away from terrain" thing?

Either way, that's a real big shame.... vertical maneuvering is a huge part of evading torpedoes, without the ability to do that enemy submarines are sitting ducks unless they can outrun your torps
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