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Old 06-05-17, 01:08 PM   #7963
Seasoned Skipper
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It turns out I goofed the install and while I set up the TDW program with paths I never actually loaded the snapshot which is why dual engine controls, manual diveplanes, etc. never worked. I was thinking my 1939 torpedoes were crazy reliable.

I am having some other problems:

1. Officer orders are getting stuck highlighted: E.g. Soundman, reports, nearest contact the "reports" is getting stuck. To ask for the nearest contact twice in a row I have to select the Soundman, deselect him, and select him again for the "reports" option to reset from yellow to white. Maybe there is some combination of OptionsFileEditorViewer choices that would make this less painful.

2. Several messages are delivered twice identically like weather reports, recharging batteries.

3. Map lat/long lines and text are really low contrast and hard to read.

4. Previous patrol had me go to X grid for 200km/48h which I did in one game session and sunk ships in it and reported status and I was never given a 2nd grid. Encrypted radio messages have completely stopped. I'd really like to get the encrypted back and be able to progress through the 3 grid assignments.

5. Making super or nav marks on maps is very difficult. Most times I have to zoom way out and put the mark far away and then move it after creation like it doesn't like being put in the middle of the screen (about the same size as attack disk?). Sometimes I can't make a super mark until I've made a nav mark first.
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