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Old 05-13-17, 01:21 PM   #7847
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I posted this here,might want to take a look if want to have real battery life:

I was so pissed off by battery life that decided to do something about it here is how you can tweak your battery life to real values in TWOS, (fair warning: it wont be simple I worked a lot to figure it out):

1. With goblin you change the electric range from 500/1 to 25 miles / 2.5 knots of the sub you want to tweak.

2. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Silent Hunter 5\data\UPCDataGE\UPCCrewData/SpecialAbilites.upc

find this:
[SpecialAbility 7]
Description=Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description
Levels= 3
AbilityType=BatteryConsume ; -vdr1981
AbilityValue= -30, -32, -35

change to this:
[SpecialAbility 7]
Description=Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description, Ability-Reduce-Battery-Consume-Description
Levels= 3
AbilityType=BatteryConsume ; -vdr1981
AbilityValue= -50, -60, -70

3. Start a campaign

4. At bunker save

5. Go to desktop and open the saved game ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc file change "promotion points" to whatever value more than 3

6. Get back to game, open your recently saved game at bunker

7. Start a new patrol

8. Get out to open sea

9. Check your underwater endurance at 4 knots should be around 40km, check recharge time should be 2 hours, but dont worry.

10 Save

11. Open again and right away before anything upgrade your motor officers battery ability.

12. Check your underwater endurance. Should be around 97km. check recharge time should be around 5 hours (lot of progress ah?)

13. Save

14. Open again upgrade motor officer again. Check endurance should be 120km, recharge time around 6 hours (if that fits you you can stop here)

15. Save

16. Open again upgrade motor officer, check endurance. Should be around 160km the hystorical value, check recharge time should be around 8 hours which is a little bit more than it should be but I could not shorten it any more.

You are done, for the actual campaign your underwater endurance at 4 knot is 90nm and can recharge in 8 hours. But be aware that for other campaigns, and single missions where you did not initiate batteries yo have 40km range at 4knots.

Someone who knows the inner workings of the game better might track down what this procedure actually changes, and tweak further the files and make a "real battery" MOD out of it.

PS: I have no idea why this works it was a try and error thing, so dont ask.....
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