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Old 04-04-17, 01:33 AM   #26
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Whoops, sorry...

I need a lookout on deck!

Appearently all mine were

EDIT: I just re-read your post, and I think something is odd, but try what I have below anyway, it will tell us if things have gone screwy......

Let's assume all went well..

Go to a terminal and type:


A small window SHOULD open with multiple tabs, this will allow you to "setup" wine.
I.E. To choose which directory will function as your hard drive.
By default a directory named .wine (the "." in front means it is hidden) is created in your "home" directory to be your "C:" drive.

If it doesn't, then something went wrong. If it does, then continue on:
You should, by default, be looking at the "Apllications" tab. 1.9.0 and up usually default to "Windows 7". You will see a drop-down menu just above OK/Cancel/Apply buttons.

Make sure it is showing "Windows 7", and click "Apply".

Now click the "Drives" tab
click "add"
and choose the first available "drive Letter", and click ok. Mine is showing "F:". But I have 2 optical drives.

Click "Show Advanced".
On the "Path" line, enter a path to the directory you wish to use. on mine I have a Directory named "driveH". (please note it IS case sensitive!)
I have my drive set to "H:" and the path is "/home/<login-name>/driveH
I keep all my games that need 32bit, directX9, dotnet2.0 in here.
I have one named "driveJ" and it is "J:" in winecfg. I keep all my 64bit DX10 & DX11 games in there.

On the "Type" drop-down menu, select "Local hard disk".

At this point you should be good for now, go ahead and press "ok" to close it.

Now to actually use wine, you will need a Windows game.
Do you have SH3 or SH4?
Or another game from that time frame? Something that requires DirectX9 would be best.

I specifically mention SH3/4 because I know they work without any special help.

Just place it in the CD/DVD drive, use your file manager and find the install file, and click it like you would any other file to open it.
It SHOULD launch, and allow you to install the game.

If winecfg doesn't launch let me know, and we can try to see what may have gone wrong with the setup/install...

Speaking of not being afraid to "break things"...
I'm typing this from my backup/update testing hard drive...
As I lost one of my drives in my RAID0 earlier. About the time I was typing my last post.

I think the spindle bearing is gone... So hopefully tomorrow I'll make a quick trip to one of the larger computer stores and pick up some WD Caviar Black drives and build me another RAID.
Fortunately I backed up my entire /home to another HD that is rarely used.
I've had it for ~4 years and it only has 1 more month of "up-time" than the 2 oldest in this PC which is less than a year old....

So I'm off....


Last edited by BarracudaUAK; 04-04-17 at 02:31 AM.
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