Thread: The "Hum"
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Old 04-03-17, 07:42 AM   #3
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Why do I write about this? Simple. I am affected by this since ealy March. And it kills my sleep and makes it very difficult to find sleep without help.

The sound I hear, so far I compared to this recording from Zurich some years ago. The frequency range matches, but the soudn quality of what i hear, was different, nverheless a comaprison and refernce to me seemd to be legitimate. Listhe tot his with headohones, it is important, they give you a better representation.

Today I foud the laboratiory sound arhcive by Sony, and I was stunned to finaly, meet my enbemy ear to ear at closest possible distance, so to speak. What I hear every night, and often during the day, is exactly sounding like this, it is as if the sound has been taken right out of my ears.:

Exactly 100Hz. That makes you think: electricity, power gridlines and so on.

And sometimes, when the humming sound is not present, there seems to be a seocnd, underlaying sound, extrenely difficult to ntoice, very silent, and very ver ylow in frequenzy, in german I think of it as "Rumpenln", a rumbling, chaotic sound, it sound like what yiou may hear in this recording, in the range at 28-35 Hz.

When I abruptly turn my head, the humming sound is delayed, I mean for a split of a seocnd I do not hear it, and then it is back again. It is as if it needs to catch up with the ears new position.

The sound is both inside and outside the house. it is "covering the whole city region" that I exained in dispair two weeks AGO - at 4 a.m. in the morning. I visited all known costrucitons ites to see if they had Diesel runnign to supply light for nihtly construction works, or water pumps to keep the groudnw ater away. All these sites were silent.

When I run, the sound again needs to catch up. When I walk in the flat, or tun in palce, again astrange delay as if the soundwaves need to catch up with my moving ears.

Last week I was for testing with an ear dictor, and he went into the lab and tested my ears. He said my ears are perfect, only once every cupe fo years he meets somebody with as sharp ears, he said. When I was young, I could hear at last some of the sounds that baits make to navigate, and the shrill sounds by which they stun their orey sometimes send needles int my ears. I mean I have extrenely good ears, still, at the age of 50, and there were no signs whatever of a Tinnitus.

Tonight was a great discovery for me. So far I spend every night with playing a CD with white noise in endless loops: rain, wind in fields, water ticklugs away<, train on ails, stuff lie that. It got me some relief from the Hum, it offered my brain an lterntaive anchor to focus on, beside the humming sound, and I tuned it loud enough that it somewhat drowned the hum a bit.Yeserday I made a new CD, and used it, the sund is this one:

And it works wonders. The Hum gets completely neutrlaised by it.Not drowned, but nuetrlaised - it is completely "switched off", even at a very low volume setting already, much lower than the white noise I played in the nights before. If you compare this to the recordngs above, you note that they all are in the same frequency range. I think the spoaceship ambience sound indeed neutrlaises the waves of the sound, comoarable to how electrnci ear gdgets do it and then get called acive ear protection. There seems to be some kind of an inteference between both sounds waves.

Maybe this is helpful for somebody reading this and who happen to hear the same damn thing like I do.

If somebody knows additional helpful advise, I would be thankful to learn about it.

And if you do not know what all the tlakign is about and wonder - be thnakful that you are part of the happy majority not being affected. The Hum really can kill your nerves.

And anothe rquestion i have. Does someboy know about the power distrubution procedures of electric ralways? I live 200m beside a track, it has four tracks which all are electric, obviously. i wonder whether the rail companies always have all the grid and all the tracks unde rpwer, or switch electricty on and off accrding to demand on the given track. I have noticed in the first weeks that there was kind of a timetable the Hum was following. It appeared between 1 and 3 am (before smmer time switch), and then lasted untl 6-7 am, then cam eback at around 10am and lasted untl maybe 15:00, for the later afternoon, evenbing and first half of the night it as silent, and then it began from start again. This week however, it starts around 2 am, then lasts until early afternoon with non-systematic interruption over the morning, late afternoon and evening it is silent, and at 2am plus/minus 5 minutes it starts again. At night it is the loudest. I wonder whether somebody pushes buttons, switches someting on and off somewhere.

It is not in the house. Not the water tubes. Not the heating. Not the oven'S waterpumps. No howling wind in emtpy tubes.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-03-17 at 08:30 AM.
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