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Old 03-09-17, 06:37 PM   #8
Silent Hunter
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Very impressed with what I have seen so far. This was the best movie yet, and the sailor going insane was nice and creepy! Loved the little bit about burned scrambled eggs.

I am obsessed with WWII merchant ships and I was SO happy to see new ones aside from the Liberty Ship....the "Rio de Janeiro" cargo ship and the oil tanker are excellent! I have an eye for ship proportions & styling ...those are exactly the kinds of ships that would have been built between WWI and WWII.

I wonder how many different types of cargo ships are there going to be? Maybe some ships in camoflage, and others with neutrality marks on the hull? Also, if there will be huge convoy battles, with 30-50 merchants plus 6-12 escorts, and maybe a carrier hunter/killer group? Every U-Boat fan is fascinated by the big convoy battles like HX-229, SC-26, etc; it would be great to see full size convoys once development is farther along.

Will there be different cargoes on deck & inside the ships, plus maybe non-player crew on damaged ships fighting fires/lowering lifeboats, panicking, etc? Everyone knows how much the "Ghost Ships" from SH3 were improved with the lifeboat mods.
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