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Old 02-18-17, 06:33 PM   #22
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Lets stick to Engliush, when possible, I gave the German quoted articles only because I did not find translations of them.

Capitalism doe snot need banks necessarily. Capitalism needs

- free markets that do not give you what you desire btu what xyiu can afford,

- "Warengeld" - a money of inherent material value, that gets its agreed value just by market interaction like any other good or commodity, and that state and politicians cannot reset at will and that they cannot inflate in total volume as they like, reaöl opneya IS just any commodity/good that isn suitable to serve as a saving format for value you do not want to spend immediately;

- and enough insight - as classical national economist,the ancestors of today's so-called Austrians had! - to see that while capitalism has an inherent drive toewards forming monoplism but that this monopilsm must be resisted to and must be prevfente djust like life itself has an inherent drive towards age and death, biut craves for trying to prevent dying as long as it can.

The misery starts when politicians promises miracles and wealth raining from heaven in order to get elected, and their private money does not suffice to pay for them. Then they steal it from the others, or the devalue the existing money by inflating its ammounts. The ruin evertyhing and everyone, just for their career. "Wählerbestechungsdemokratie" - voter bribery democracy.

What there is today - IS NO MONEY. It is a a poor surrogate for money. A money that has no inherent vlaue, IS NO MONEY. Just any token. Market must decide what gets accepted as money,a dn what money'S value is. And market must do that alone and unhindered by politicians.

Capitalism in principle needs no banks. Just free trade and free bartering. the rule of law and reason and reliability. Treaties who cannot be sued for when the yget violated. Even more so, since capitalists know that the term "capital" goes far beyond the reference to currency tokens only. Of all forms of capital there are, forged money, Parker's Monopoly notes, is the least important one!

Aim your criticsm at monopolism, and you have my support. But you aim it the wrong target, the cure instead: capitalism. That is absurd.

Thge biggest monopolist, btw, is the state.

You want co control politicians and want to stop them before they have ruined it once again? Then you have to shoot them dead whenver they reach with their hands out for controlling, minting, defining the value of money. Its the worst poltical crime possible to do so, and the key to total control and absol,ute power: controlling the mints. Everybody should be allowed to run a mint if he wants, and no monopolies whatever should ever be accepted. Money must be a market function, never a political agenda.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-18-17 at 06:49 PM.
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