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Old 02-18-17, 10:35 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
Does Germany have the funds and will to make up for the shortfall in income to the EU post Brexit?
Funds are relative, since money is created at will by alchemists these days, value-securities are not needed anymore nor expected. The will? They maintain an intimidating front to Britain to penalise it and to scare away others wanting to do like Britain. But for Germany, the fall-away of Britain means the loss of the closest - before France! - ally in finacial discipline inside the eU, this is what makes the Brexit such a big headache for Germany, also that in the EU it is our most important trading partner. All others remaining, are against Germany, all want to spend more, more debts, more inflating and devaluing of money, more financing of rotting states by the ECB. and so forth. Italy wants it. Spain. France. Greece. Italy is stumbling. France is even bigger a thread to fall. Ticks sucking blood.

Its all a terrible mess, and it becomes messier every month and with every conference held by the ECB. Those TARGET2-saldi will one day fall down on Germany like a burning sky.

Its a long-known social-psychological dilemma, they have written books about it: when somebody has invested much into the wrong ways, he tends to stick even more to these wrong ways the deeper he manouvers himself into them - due to his fear that if he now gives up, all the earlier "investments" will be lost. By this "logic", he accepts to move from bad to worse and from big danger to guaranteed self destruction.

Let there be the German elections, and no matter who won them by then, after that the next government will be much more lenient again to allow Greece another escape, and more spending, and more debts, and more braking of legal obligations, treaties and laws. In the end, Germans, like everybody lse, prefer a horror without end to an end with horror.

By the end of tis century, we will see a very small elite in Europe ruling Europe in a very autocratic, if not openly tyrannic manner, with most of the material wealth focussed in even fewer hands than already now. On the way there we will go through various levels of intense violence and anarchy and and civil-war like rioting. When the new imerial order emerges, most people will even welcome it, just to feel at least physically safe again. But I forsee it will be life in poverty and misery and dictatorship. The writings aleady are ion the wall, but only few dare to open their eyes and read and take them as what they are. Because these writings on the wall as well predict a massive loss of all what has been invested in the past. And people just cannot imagin that this could happen. When bad luck or tragedy strikes people, usually the first question always is "Why me?"

Well - why not you? Even more since everybody is so eager to let it come this far?

So, Germany will carry on. It will pay for others with what today humorously and grotesquely gets called "money", and it is willing to do so. We will continue to do so until it really is too late and all is lost. Becasue as long as it is not to late and not all is lost, it still is not too late and not all is yet lost. Thats the simple logic behind it.

Bigger thread to the social peace over here is inflation killing private savings. Still, people are peaceful since most are not realyl understanding the danger and beleive the mainstream brainwash, and give their poltical loyalties more according to family habit than raisnable thnking, not to mention: insight into the real matter. This state cannot last forever.

Inflation increases just the QUANTITY of money, while deflation increases the QUALITY of money. That is somethign that even most politicians and bankers do not seem to understand. The needed cures all get prevented. The needed corrections are verboten. Social concerns lead the way into mass ruin. How social is that...?
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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