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Old 10-06-16, 10:26 AM   #8
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
It's a dynamic campaign where the Soviets constantly try to conquer NATO territory. So for instance if you fail to stop a landing force bound for Iceland, you lose Iceland and thus SOSUS coverage from the Faeroes to Greenland, as well as regular ASW air patrols in that area. Or you may be tasked with intercepting a submarine tender but just detected a surface taskforce obviously trying to break out into the North Atlantic convoy routes through the Denmark Strait - decisions, decisions.

Linear is not how I would describe it.

There will be single missions and hopefully some kind of custom mission editing function. However unlike DW, our missions don't use any scripting at all.

So I guess the short answer is that it's more of a sandbox.
Finally a subsim with a Dynamic Campaign !!!

I got tired of just sinking ships and having no influence on the outcome of the game/war !

Looking forward to it then !


"Honorable Builder of Sinking Ships"

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