Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 08-18-16, 07:03 PM   #1383
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So it was RSRDC that gave you the parameters of your patrol. I like that, and the "non-continuous" setting.

@cdrsubron7: OK radar watcher... I meant eye-candy eye-candy, ya ole fahrt! Ooops, Monty Python attack!

@ max-peck: I'm past the 74 mile circle I drew around my patrol zone, which is what my assigned "mission" was when I'd encountered those DD hunter groups. I think a fourth one just went behind me, still looking for me. Anyway, in the "stock" game, it used to be a 50 mile radius, didn't it, for 48 hours? I don't recall if they announced in stock when you were "on station"... Anyway, here in a bit, I should be crossing the line.

One of the strange things I've noticed is the "Radar Contact!" reports start at about 20nm range... then they quit at about 15nm, when the sonar reports start... those then stop and the "Radar contact!" comes back online at about 12nm, back to sonar at 10, etc. Rather strange that the radar feller seems to lose contact. I've even gone to the screen and watched it happen. A blip there one moment, gone the next. I suppose it has to do with the "profile" the radar sees / doesn't see supposedly. Anyway I'm doing Ahead Standard in the Balao, about 15knots, and this radar / sonar contact has gone twice as far as me in the same time frame, so there's no way it's a merchant... so that'd make a fourth Hunter Group in two days... a wee bit much. Unless of course, it's the Yamato!... I ain't takin' the bait though... I've got a test to perform!

btw, especially RR: watching the discussion in TMO - how historic?, I'm wondering if FotRS is maintaining a "dynamic" campaign. One thing I noticed on several patrols on new career starts in December 1041, is that when departing Pearl, I encountered the same 3 contacts on the way to Midway, on the same day, same time, same ship class... 'Course, all the missions were slightly different destinations... So some of the stuff is "set", some of it isn't. How "historic" are they with the weather, I wonder?... Same storm, same place, same time?

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 08-18-16 at 07:17 PM. Reason: by the way...
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