Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 07-19-16, 01:36 PM   #776
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I can do a lot with the game................but I'm no expert with the hard coded stuff. That's probably about the same answer for most of us. It would take access to the core files to make changes to them. This requires a knowledge of program design, and the tools to work within these files.

Those kinds of tools aren't free for the using. You need to be working within an established computer design company (where they bought your tools and application software for you) and have an interest to work within the SH4 coded files to do the kind of work that's been done with SHIII. So far, no ones stepped up. As with game programing, typical 3D modeling software can cost a 1000 dollars that can do what some have done with the game. Sure Blender is free, but it's not going to do everything what the game calls for.

So, we're left with shuffling around images; adding a new 3D model now and again; coming in through the back door to make a change; or just switching something's name and calling it a modification. We will never get to the real meat and potatoes of the game when we're left to just white wash the surface.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 07-19-16 at 01:46 PM.
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