Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 06-20-16, 03:05 AM   #242
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
In the Google Drive is for the testers downloading and testing. All it is, are the four (4) Creaks_Levelx.wav files (1, 2, 3 & 4), re-done to conform to the "Stock" v1.4/.5 lengths. It'd be nice to have some documentation of what is and what is NOT allowed in an audio file in the game, but oh well, "experimentation is the mother of invention", or something to that effect... 'Course, Edison (the inventor) was, for all practical purposes, deaf... probably from playing Silent Hunter 4 and encountering "The Sound"...

Put the un-zipped folder in the Mods folder, and all should be good for use in JSGME. Let me know if you have issues with that, CTDs afterwards, or - heaven forbid - you encounter "The Sound" - or, if all is well, also... I've tested until I'm almost tired of SH4 ("SACRILEGE!!!") - er, sorry - tired of waiting on the intro & loading of the game and/or scenario... whew! - I haven't had another encounter with "The Sound" lately. However, I wasn't getting them regularly anyway lately... Might have been something else... Two of the Creak files were definitely several seconds longer than the "Stock" versions, one was shorter, and another just barely longer, so maybe that was the trouble. You might also notice that the new sounds are actually a mix of the "Stock" and the FOTRS version of the individual files. The Level2 file, for whatever reason, is quieter. That's in the "Stock" game like that also. The FOTRS version was louder.

@ cdrsubron7, I took it that Rabid Wolverine was referring to the FOTRS v2 sound files, 'cause while they can be a bit over-the-top in stock, in FOTRS v2, they go absolutely bonkers, and if you've got a few hits close together, the crew is still raving about the hits after the ship has sunk... - I'm probably wrong though...
Poor Edison...
Thanks Propbeanie, I'm going to try them immediately. Since deleting the creaking sound had no effect on "The Sound", except for encountering it no so often, I really miss them.

The "We het her, we hit her!! Shhhh!!" sound is located in the \data\sound\speech\1\torpedo_impact.ogg. The same file exists also in the other speech folders (1 to 9). Changing this file to something else, will terminate the crew's raving.

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