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Old 05-11-16, 07:10 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by mrlackey View Post
Just found the mod that allows me to play(limited) DW on my Win10 machine. About a year ago my Win XP desktop blew its power supply and so I had to get a new pc. Unfortunately I couldn't get DW to work on it so I filed away the disks. Only after lugging an old monitor and broken laptop upstairs to play some old games did i discover the file giving the ability to run old games.

I am having trouble with the Lwami mod thou, every time I enable it my subs disappear. Also you cannot view them in the platform reference guide from the main menu. If anyone knows how to fix that I would love to know.

My main question thou is are they not making any *NEW* Sub/Navy sims in the DW fashion? I have yet to see any new ones. You'd think with newer computers with faster processors and better graphics chips you could blow away the gaming community with a spectacular naval sim. I love DW and keep hoping for a new DW style game to come out.
I would start with reinstalling it. LwAmi isn't too straightforward to install, IMO. Search YouTube for "lwami installation," that'll show you the whole procedure.

On the topic of a new modern submarine simulator, I can't remember where I saw this but I saw something along the lines of Sonalysts is working on a new mainstream game to try and get some money for working on a new simulator, or something like that (like how Chevrolet loses money on each Corvette it sells but makes up for it by selling a million regular cars, or something).

You'd think they would, yes, but making a video game is like any other business venture. If the return on their investment isn't good (or projected to be good), they're not going to make it. Video games are very expensive to make (don't tell Kickstarter that ).
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Dangerous Waters Liu Doctrine (LwAmi
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