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Old 11-26-15, 01:39 AM   #3171
Join Date: May 2004
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OK, I'm confused. I know how Options work and how they change the realism setting and lower your renown earned accordingly, but what I don't get is why the percentage changes OK according to what I choose but it has no effect in the game.

Like, for instance, in this particular shakedown cruise to keep things easy until I get my sea legs back, I left "show visual and sonar contacts on nav map", taking the hit in realism, but they most certainly do NOT show on the map in the game.

I'm currently 400m from a destroyer, I see him clearly in my attack periscope, but he is most definitely NOT showing on the map.

Also, what happened to the old "visibility circles" on the map? The ones that helped you determine just how visible you are?

I'm not complaining about the realism here, I just expected that if you chose your gameplay options that the game would respond accordingly. I'm not asking for an arcade game here, that's the last thing I want, I just wanted an "easy" cruise to get re-familiarized with the game, and I am quite happy to take a hit in renown for playing on "noob" mode until I can crank it back up to where I used to be, but if it doesn't matter one little bit what I set it to, the difficulty will always be 100% no matter what, I might as well just set it to that, no?
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