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Old 08-29-15, 10:45 PM   #1506
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Kapitain Oliver Leinkraunt View Post
That environment is very very impressive.
I know that Sailor Stive have already answered, but the first MTB torpedo boats (I have already posted some images of them) were changed launches.
An other thing, there will be different environments for the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Baltic Sea ?
I did not know that....interesting.

One craft I want to include in the mod is a unique type of fast attack boat - German explosive launches. They were remote controlled motor boats loaded with explosives, designed to ram enemy ships - quite advanced for WWI.

About dud mines - I am thinking about a way to make it happen.

I am also thinking of a way to make AI ships perform minelaying. It's been described as "impossible" to do for SH3/SH4, so of course I'm interested.

It seems pretty likely there will be different environments for different areas - the Env_Colors used to confound me but now I am starting to get a feel for what values in S3ditor produce good colors. It only takes me a couple nights after work to make changes that used to take me much longer.

FYI I just got done fooling with some more graphical stuff. I was no longer happy with how my old TMO/Stock SH4 smoke mod looked - I made some changes for the better, so expect more screenshots. Just for the fun of it I also decided to mod oil spills as a little side project, not expecting I'd do much - the results FAR exceeded my expectations. Eventually I want to add an oil leak effect for breached bunkers - I doubt it will be hard; simply tweak the game's sub water stream effect. Will have screenshots and maybe a vid soon.

My mind is kind of going at 1000 MPH here - lol - It really is a whirlwind of activity!
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