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Old 08-20-15, 07:50 AM   #545
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Originally Posted by Zazyman32 View Post
Hey Geoff, just wanted to say first off I'm having loads of fun with the game in its normal set format, and with my own set challenge. But first of all, a quick suggestion:

With all of the traits in the game, how about a medical trait? So like, a trained medic is able to help with radiation (unlike the rest of the crew) and also deal with other problems faster like unconsciousness, and as they do it more, they progress like a welder or a repairman.

Another suggestion is to have the item/traits meaning guide in the actual guide it self, so that people can refer to it and quickly understand what each crew member can do, and what equipment is best for each job.

Oh, and as my own challenge, I've been trying to get the sub reliablity setting as low as possible, and I have to do 3 missions. I'm allowed to go to friendly ports if I want, but as you might see on the other thread I'm in a pretty bad way.

And again, thanks for the great free game! I hope it continues to grow, as well as your 3D version
Nice idea for a challenge! Glad you're enjoying the game.

I'm working on a new tutorial and manual which will explain the traits a bit better, so that should clear up those questions. Basically:
Repairman / Technician / Engineer - Faster object repairs
Welder - Faster hull repairs
Strong - Faster torpedo loading, better at swimming
Tough - More resistant to fire and radiation sickness, can last longer in water before drowning
Leader - Nearby crew do all tasks slightly faster, with the radius and the improvement % based on how good the leader is.

I think that covers all of them. I might add a medic skill in the future, and maybe a medkit object, but I'm still thinking about it. It might take away a lot of the pressure to avoid radiation exposure if it can simply be undone by the medic, and that would make the decisions like "Which crewman should I send in to fix the reactor this time?" less meaningful. On the other hand it might open up new options. Maybe there should be a limited supply of medication on board the boat? I'll do some experiments in a future version.

Originally Posted by Vivalas View Post
Greetings, I am new to this forum but have been lurking for some time and was waiting for a more appropriate time, but I just couldn't help myself.

I really love your game and everything about it, and really can't wait to see how far it goes, the interesting cross-over of DF and FTL mixed with submarine simulation is amazing.

After reading through this whole thread (which took a long time), the real reason I came was to report a bug where if you refit as the diesel-only sub, it loses the extra efficiency that it's engines have and it becomes unusable, since it doesn't have enough power for it'e engines. (I'm guessing that it's diesels have more output since the other subs can't run using just diesel at the speed it can.
Thanks, glad you like it! And thank you for reporting the bug. I think I know where the problem comes from and I'll fix it for the next version.

Originally Posted by Aegean Islands View Post
I think that an actual medkit item should be required to treat radiation, and a health system for crewmembers could be put in place, like for each to start at 100% and then radiation damage or oxygen deprivation damage, or brute force/burn damage from being close to an explosion/fire without protection etc.
This is actually similar to the current system, although the numbers are hidden from the player so it's not obvious what's going on. All crew have an 'energy level', which drops through injury, sickness or physical exertion. Crew with low energy are labelled 'tired', or 'dizzy' when it's really low, and if energy hits zero they fall unconscious. Everyone starts with around 100 energy, although it can be higher or lower - 'Tough' and 'Very Tough' crew have significantly above average starting energy. At the moment crew recover energy steadily over time, with faster recovery if they are off duty or if they are given first aid. Radiation exposure continuously drains energy, even after the crew member has left the irradiated area, so crew with radiation exposure will recover slower from injuries even if they don't have actual radiation sickness.

I'm looking at changing the system so there is both physical health and energy. For example an explosion would cause physical injuries, while treading water would drain energy. Not sure whether this would improve the system or just make it more complicated.
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