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Old 08-09-15, 08:43 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins View Post
Win 7 until they pry it from my cold dead fingers here!

It's the last Windows that doesn't dumb down a computer to a cell phone. I have a cell phone. I like my computer better.
same here, thanks for the links, shocking stuff there and I think you are right, they want to make your computer like a cell phone now.

I have two computers with reservations to get win 10 but after seeing what its recording of my activity and storing at Microsoft for them to sell and use or get stolen by hackers, im not upgrading and im warning everyone I know not to either. I was going to wait to see if it had any operating issues first but now im not even caring "how" it works if its collecting data on me like that.

maybe if they undo all that stuff to make it secure I might give it a second look, but then if its just a tweaked version of 8 (which some say it is) then I don't want it anyway

Last edited by Webster; 08-09-15 at 08:53 AM.
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