Thread: SH1 is working!
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Old 07-27-15, 08:09 PM   #6
Sailor man
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Default sh! --Sound problem

Originally Posted by scott_c2911 View Post
I didnt know where else to post this as there is no Silent Hunter 1 forum anymore. Anyway I have managed to find lodged away in some box somewhere at my mom and dads house after more than a decade my copy of Silent Hunter 1. The game that started it all for me with sub simming. We all know it wasn't going to work on XP so why bother when you have Silent Hunter 3 and 4. Well last night I did bother just for the nostalgia and I was pleasantly suprised how easy it was. I used D-Fend Reloaded which is DOS Box 0.74 with a simple frontend UI so people who are not literate in DOS commands can get on with it. The game installed flawlessly. The game didnt run initially due to it needing the CD but this was also fixed by copying the BUD folder on the CD into the the C:\SILENT directory. Then just change shpath.ini (also found in C:\SILENT directory) to read exactly as follows:
Configured the sound with the default settings and away I went. I'm in command of the USS Shark I think. I'm heading out towards Southern Japan. I have to say though it makes me appreciate Silent Hunter 3 and the later games so much more. The graphics were cutting edge for the time but now they definitely look dated. Controls are not as good either but I remember it being so much easier. Nevermind its still a classic.
I have a Realtek HD Audio card. Having problems setting it up to play Silent Hunter 1.

What Default settings did you do or use to make it play sound??
I tried to make changes in the DIG and MDI FILES, but doesn't recognize or play.

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