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Old 03-21-15, 02:07 PM   #8
Sea Lord
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Greetings rainChu,
I think this will answer some of your questions:

Take a look at the different articles linked at the end of that page, they are mainly related to tactics with SH1.

Here some quick tips:

Fire them to a ship's broadside with a 10-20 angle-off from not more than 1500 yards, so they run straight to hit the target, this will reduce Dud's and premature explosions.

The Patrol Map is way too easy to my taste: it allows you to anticipate the convoy routes and put yourself in good firing position. I think the real commanders would have given their right leg for such a map :=)

That's the real meat in this game, the AI is especially good. Try to get the escort on one side and you on the other side, that's how you are going to escape, it may take hours real time, so be patient...
If you are spotted on the surface, only 1 of the escorts will come straight at you, the others will try to cut your possible escape route. Always think in terms of ESCAPE ANGLE: with one escort you have a big escape angle, with 3 or more escorts you have a very small escape angle because it's hard to present your bow or stern to any escort and not being detected by active sonar.
Personally, I stay at Periscope Depth for as long as possible time after an attack to plot the escort's position. I alway think first about a surface escape. If they are far away you may well succeed at night or with fog.
With a lot of escorts, if one is near but others are more far away, I would sink the nearest one to get some distance and escape on the surface before diving and changing my route. All in all, escaping is a tough thing with more than 3 escorts.

In bad weather conditions and rough seas your sub is substantially SLOW. Instad of wasting your fuel, it may pay off to continue your patrol at 80 feet under, so you may hear with passive sonar the ships in your vicinity. At 2/3 speed under water you are as fast as in bad weather conditiohs on the surface...

Ok, that's it for the moment. I hope this helps you for your start


Last edited by XenonSurf; 03-21-15 at 02:32 PM.
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