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Old 03-23-06, 02:58 AM   #2
Sea Lord
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Enjoyed my tour in Kara but time for some shore leave as my 'appendages' have turned purple !

The beefed up Typhoon support and northern starting positions for the 688 have added interest,

Why given the tactic assignments I seem to discover the Typhoon first between me and its support,
escapes me. Given the odds this should'nt happen. But I like to infiltrate the defenders first and then,
should a scrap be unavoidable, the Typhoons evasion adds fuirther challenge. Perhaps one answer,
given the N & S. 688 starters is to Group, but given a certain predictability I would prefer a trigger/script
which created the Reds starting positions directly related to the 688s starting position boxes/randomisations.

If ice coverage was'nt so uniform then the channels/pools would provide some scope fot those pesky
fishing boats. Judiciously placed to avoid frustrating red herring excursions.

I hope this mission will provoke ideas for some littoral water scenarios. In the meantime ice is 'cool' !

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
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