Thread: The Hunter
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Old 08-05-14, 10:03 PM   #247
RickC Sniper
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The 9.3 and the 6.5x55 were not affected by this recent ballistics change.

These calibers are fairly new and already were designed as they intended. Only rifles released earlier were switched over to their newer ballistics system. Personally, I cannot tell too much difference, except perhaps the .300 is now similar to the 9.3, in that short range shots on medium sized animals create massive tissue damage......but oddly, still often give 100% harvest value anyway. (odd, that)

They now say they intend to update the bows to the new system, and we can only hope that they become better than the mess that they are. I want a good lung shot to give me a high harvest value, but I do not think ballistics changes alone will do this.
I think the harvest value goes down if there is not instant death like from a heart shot, and they would have to change how harvest value is calculated to affect the bows.
(I bow hunt in game and hate how they currently work, I surely hope they fix them) Arrows should pass completely through an animal if it only hits soft tissue like the lungs out to 30 and sometimes even 40 meters, and they do nothing remotely close to this in the game. And a poor body shot on a large bear always results in a kill. It may take a long time, but if you patiently follow it, it does always die.

Skybird is correct, the awful organ hits feedback is caused by the bullets hitting the hitboxes on the animals in odd or incorrect ways due to the animal's movements and results in things getting recorded\charted out pretty badly. Oddly, this seemed much better when the game was new. (I have played this game since beta) The only thing we can hope is that they DO try to listen to the community and might fix this, but I fear it is asking a lot, and too many in the community want more new content, always more new content, instead of just halting all that and fixing the broken things and the annoying things.

I think all you can do is just enjoy the game which is still quite good, and when you make a good shot YOU know it, even if the game sometimes does not.

Username RickC in The Hunter, but I rarely hunt in multiplayer.

@Less. I like the 30.30 too but it is too powerful in the game. At first it was too weak, and they listened to the complaints and adjusted it. But now it seems almost or equally as powerful as the 6x55 and it should not be, but it is still nice to see this firearm in the game. (An American classic still owned by many)

I for awhile thought the game's issues came from the developers being non hunters but really, it should not make any difference if they do their homework and looking at and comparing real life ballistics and energy charts is simple enough to do so I do not excuse them.
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