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Old 08-04-14, 07:10 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Coiler View Post
I'd gladly write a 1.04 review. My only problem (if it even is a problem) is that I never played Harpoon or any other sim before CMANO except Fleet Command, so I couldn't make any comparisons and thus would judge the (spectacular) game purely on its own merits.
I'm afraid the problem would arise from the similarities between CMANO and Harpoon, versus CMANO and FC/NWP. FC was a bit buggy and really only came into it's own with the advent of NWP. CMANO vs. Harpoon is a closer match in both database depth, scenario editing and style of play. Therein would be the rub of the haters of CMANO. It was never designed to replace Harpoon, but move onto the next level of it's own merit, using updated technology and game engine but being of a similar genre of game/simulation. However, since both represent naval warfare on a very large scale, they both have very similar looks about them. But the Harpoon hardcore held onto their mods and game like it was the Holy Grail and it was sacrilege to even try to replace what they had built....a little tongue in cheek, sorry.

Anyway, CMANO is a great game and is only getting better. Harpoon, was a great game and now that many bugs have been worked out, though it still has a very long list of one's not worked out, it's dated graphically, AI wise and overall user friendly-ness, not being able to run out of the box in Windows without various tweaks.

So, getting back to your original offer, I fear you would want some knowledge of Harpoon, since the obvious comparisons are there and some will always want that comparison. It would be great to get a new set of eyes, not tainted by either following camps, to really magnify the strengths and character of CMANO, rather than coming into it with a knowledge of the "other naval sims". Also, since it is a niche game, the data contained within can be overwhelming, to a fault, if you haven't delved into games like Harpoon or the database in NWP. Perhaps you should ask Sunburn about it?
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