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Old 07-07-14, 12:40 AM   #11
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Markus, I hear what you're saying and it is our intention to add quick-turnaround.

But there is no way a combat aircraft can fly 40 combat sorties in a row with 30 min turnaround. Or 10. Or 5. The latter have been achieved, but only a handful times by just a few pilots. So its not something we'll base an air ops model on.

Flying a combat mission is like running a marathon. Pilots and aircraft need to rest. They can do about one per day sustained, 2 per day during surge (which is an impressive achievement - try running 85km per day for 5 days straight!), in very rare cases 3, and almost never as many as 5. The latter happens once or twice in extreme cases during a war, which is not often with 10 000+ sorties flown.

Database guru, sensor model developer, system tester and senior scenario designer in the "Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations" project!
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