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Old 06-15-14, 04:29 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
What I meant is the map shows too much of what is happening around the sub. It would be nice if there was more ambiguity, especially when submerged.
Ah, gotcha. Currently, your "perception range" (I combined visual and audio perception for simplicity) shrinks based on A) whether the periscope is above water or not, B) your depth, and C) your throttle setting (higher engine noise making it harder to listen for enemies).

Worst case (running Flank speed at 200m), you can only see enemies within about 300m, which I found to be a pretty good balance of claustrophobia with being able to see and react to threats once they're almost on top of you.

Damage to your sonar will cut that range in half.

Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
In real life the torpedoes run straight for a bit before the gyro kicks in and turns them onto the correct track, but the actual firing arc is something like +/- 135 degrees or so to each side.
Great info, thanks!

Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
There is something more. On the war patrol, it'd be better if it didn't say straight up how many merchants and escorts you are going up against. This could also be kept more ambiguous.
The spotters aren't 100% accurate; sometimes you'll get more or less ships in a convoy than they reported.

It doesn't happen too often (or it starts to seem buggy), but you'll find that there will often be one additional small escort hidden behind a larger ship that they missed.


Scott Goffman
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