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Old 03-17-14, 07:44 AM   #1
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Default Dynamic Campaign System and stuff

I am thinking about dynamic operation theater of Falcon 4.0 all the time. If there is a similar environment, like operation automatic planning, more intensive engagement and even a vivid radio communication (talks between AEW, Tower, flight squad, etc.), the game will be so thrilling.

However, in Command, I think I have to set all the way points, height, speed, instead of an auto plotting, but by myself. It's quite inconvenient, and also micro-managements.

What I understand so far, is that I could set an operation area, like strike, SEAD, etc., and assign a certain groups into it, and hopefully they will act accordingly. But it didn't work accurately as I expected... Or I may need to learn more in the game?

Another thing I don't quite understand is that, in command, all units are grouped not quite as I understood. i. e., I don't think the group would be resolved once it's RTB. The group will most likely launch all of their main weapons in the first engagement to the target, it's kinda way to waste munition and not always effective. I thought there is a term in Falcon 4 called "Falcon XX, you are the shooter."

meanwhile, I am also thinking about using external monitor or projector to create a CIC-like environment. If the game provides multiple windows, something between multi-station of Sub Command/Dangerous Waters and previous harpoon, I can easily make one screen the CIC Radar, and another tactical situation, or flight control board, message board, or even later real time camera of IIR weapon, etc.

In my pre-mature opinion, it would be perfect, if the command implant more idea of dynamic campaign system from Falcon 4. Further more, the potential of this Command is obvious, we can make it at least a CIC/ Commanding post simulation in the near future, and, maybe with certain protocol, the game could be connected with other tactical level simulations like dangerous waters and Lock on. (Jeez, there are no more new combat simulation recently.)
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