Thread: Fast Attack
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Old 10-23-13, 07:50 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Julhelm View Post
It's one of my favorites as well. The only things I don't like about it is the somewhat broken interface that requires far too much clicking and the inability to see ordered depth/course/speed from anywhere but the helm station.
You can see depth speed and course in the Plot, Navigation, Sonar, BSY-1, WLR, Control Room, Radio and Helm screens. You can't see them in the Launcher or Torpedo room screens but that only makes sense as on a real boat you can't see them from there either (in real life depth can be extrapolated from torpedo tube equalizing pressure or tube pressure @44.4 psi per 100 feet which we did once on sea trials to back up the control room helm station. I know, I sat there on SP phones for over 8 hours reading back gauge readings to control on our Alpha dive while also keeping an eye out for leaks).

I agree about the clicking though, but you can use the arrow keys if you need to maneuver quickly in a pinch and then go to the helm to refine it. But honestly if you need to do that you are being chased by torpedoes and should probably be in the WLR screen anyway which has more conventional and precise course and depth controls and is telling where the weapons are coming from (using the timer you can extrapolate how far away they are).

Overall Fast Attack presents a more realistic presentation of what you might see and where you might see it inside a real boat. It's biggest game play downfall IMO is the AI which runs dumb and straight even when it's got a weapon on it. At best it'll launch a countermeasure if it's Russian. Red Storm Rising from almost a decade earlier had better evasion tactics.

My biggest complaint is that there's no way to create missions on your own that I'm aware of which is too bad because I think that it would have been much more popular (after it was patched of course).

I'll be watching your videos (and subscribing if you plan on adding more as you go) and if I can help I'll give you some tactical advice.

ETA: Ok I watched it. Not too bad for playing in easy and not too heavy in detail but you said that you would be addressing things as you go along. Just some nits to pick though.

1) Tomahawks were on boats years before VLS was added, they were torpedo tube launched though which took up about seven stows better served by holding torpedoes. What VLS did as add what amounted to 12 more stows limited to Tomahawks only.

2) The MK 48 didn't have "Over 1,000 lbs of explosives", it has ~650 lbs of explosives (it depends upon what mod it is but that's the low end of the range and it doesn't go much higher).

3) Final nit-pick. In the game, in the after action report the stuff in red is the stuff that you cannot see if you check the mission log in the middle of the game because it's considered a spoiler. You are supposed to, as CO, keep track of what you've hit and what mission goals you have completed.

I noticed that you skipped over the secondary goals and that's understandable given the format for a video but those secondary goals are key to getting more medals and promotions as you progress. You might want to mention that in one of your videos.

Perhaps it might be a good idea to, instead of focusing on scenarios, focus on specific tasks in the game. For example one on how to use fire control, one on sonar (in all modes), one on navigation and evasion and so on.

Not too bad overall though. BZ

Last edited by Sam.I.Am; 10-23-13 at 08:27 PM.
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