Thread: Fast Attack
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Old 10-21-13, 12:46 AM   #1
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Default Fast Attack

I've started a new series on one of my favorite games of all time. Fast Attack. I wasn't able to find a single video on YouTube of Fast Attack gameplay and thought there should be some up there for a game that was really one of the gems of the genre imho.

I really believe this is the best Submarine Simulation ever made covering modern submarines. I'll admit I'm not the greatest player at showing off advanced submarine tactics, I use more arcadey methods of gameplay but I wanted to show off a game that is a classic, and imho would be a prime candidate for GOG or Matrix to remake and be successful amongst simulation players.

Also if this interests you It's my goal to have a fairly regular release schedule on this, roughly 1 per week as long as people show some interest. Episode 1 is up, Episode 2 should be up on 10/25/13.

Also while I start very arcade like in my playing methods I really do want to try and figure things out and learn how to play more accurately so any tips or advise would we be welcome. I think one of the brilliant things about a lot of simulation games is the ability to be able to be incredibly easy to pick up and play with a low barrier to entry and also incredibly deep if a player wants to do things the RIGHT and REALISTIC.

Episode #1 - WMDs in the Gulf

Episode #2 - Harpoons and Fast Attack Craft

Episode #3 - Harpoons vs Torpedoes

Last edited by TheHistoricalGamer; 11-01-13 at 02:18 AM.
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