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Old 10-19-13, 08:47 PM   #1
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Default 2 Destroyers in one sitting?!? XD

So after a refit and hull repair I continued my first patrol of the British coastline and about 46 hours in I stumble across a convoy: two merchant vessels and a Destroyer, which I found kind of odd. I hit the first merchant ship and started taking heat from the Destroyer. After 40 or so minutes of aggressive maneuver in shallow water, I finally ditched it and popped a torpedo into its starboard-side forward hull as it began a final turn on me. I was so in shock I just watched it slip into the drink and didn't even think to get a screen cap

Looking around I saw the burning husk of the merchant ship I'd hit and broke her back with another torpedo. Looking around to the rear I saw the second merchant ship just sitting there, or it was moving really slow. I fired the aft torpedo as it cruised into the 180 radius and hit it midship. I looked around again, seeing no more ships so I surfaced and spun around to make another killing shot.

The fourth torpedo slammed into the merchant and about the time I began to radio in a contact report, there were splashes ahead port-side. My GF says "WTF was that??" I look around and there is another Destroyer headed at me full speed. I dive to about 40 meters (about all I can get) and evade this guy for another 20 minutes. He threw A LOT of charges at me but I always stayed ahead of him.

Listening to the hydrophone reports, the Destroyer was making a circle away from us. I ordered periscope depth and saw it crossing in front of me. Total opportunity for a flank shot but it was moving pretty quick. I followed it with the scope until it began to turn back at me. I only had two torpedoes left that had been loaded when we were surfaced. The Destroyer was making a wide turn so I Hail Mary a shot and seconds later BOOM. I about crapped myself lol And I managed to get a screen cap of this unlucky sap:

With 35% fuel I head back to port for a refit and after sending contact and patrol reports BdU has the nerve to tell me to "BE MORE AGGRESSIVE"

Man, I am loving this game!!!
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