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Old 08-16-13, 12:09 PM   #4503
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{Here's an old report I posted at Ubi, not sure if I ever did here, but who knows}

My first patrol was to Lingayen, so off we went. I forgot I had added some subkillers patrolling Lingayen, so in an old S boat without radar I go in at high TC....BAM.......escort saw me and scored a hit before crew got a visual. Didn't get a SS of the hit, but he got one good

One hit dang near destroyed my sub right off. My stern engine room was flooded, the sub took a terrible down stern angle, maybe worse one I've had. The escort was still far, but coming.. If I used any speed, because of the angle, I just popped up out of the water.

At 1/3, I was able to hold it still, but wasn't going anywhere. Only way to gain some depth was to cut engines and in seconds I was heading to the bottom at 7kts before I could use tactics to pull out of the dive...Seems all I could do is bob up and down with my nose almost out of the water.

Escort came on , actually rammed my nose doing damage to himself and dropped a pattern, but due to angle missed me.

Since he had only bow guns I blew tanks and came up behind him and started shooting, keeping my nose to his stern so he couldn't aim. After several rounds he sunk, never got a shot off.

So we escaped that one, but stern engine bulkhead destroyed

I then notice smoke on the horizon, guess this is another one I added and his buddy had called in, He was coming full speed.

I had some distance, so I turned south away hoping to escape on surface, making 8kts best speed due to damage with battery charge off. I hadn't got far when I saw flashes....with my mod setup your lucky to survive one shell, two is bad, but he scored before I could get under, not as bad, mostly deck damge on that last shot. You can barely see escorts smoke on the horizon, left to the sunk ship smoke, about 6nms away.

So I'm back to bobbing like a cork being teased by a well fed fish...can't get anywhere. I would cut speed to dive down, blow tanks, flank to pull out, but the S boat rockets in either direction. I knew I wouldn't survive if he made some good runs and knew he would find me. I decided to try same tactics, let his make a run, pop out and take him out or at least blow his charge racks off so he couldn't use them. However, getting careless I let my boat get out of control, waited a lil too long to pull out, did all I could to save her, but she hit speeds of 12 kts going down, I couldn't pull

As we were headed to the depths, my Exec Wernher looked at me with one last word of encouragement.


You see my dog don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughing at him. Now if you apologize like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.
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