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Old 05-01-13, 02:56 AM   #1587
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Default Ubisoft autosave underwater.

Dunno if'n this has been reported before but:

I had just dived to 20m, the Electric Propulsion had just kicked in, when the the Ubisoft Autosave feature did its thing (Even though I play Offline - go figure!!)

Anyway, I had needs to shut down shortly after and do other things.

"Herr Kaleun, your washing needs sorting out"
"Ja, ja, "(damned @#%$!#@% Bdu orders!!)""

So I come back later and restart the game, load up last save - Ubisoft auto - and find that I have no propulsion AT ALL even after surfacing.

On the 2nd exit, shutdown, restart, reload routine, after surfacing the boat my Diesels kicked in and I was able to proceed as normal even when underwater.

Anyone know why this happens or if there's a preventative?
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