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Old 04-29-13, 03:45 AM   #11
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Guys, all I can say is dont give up. I remember flight sims, going through this about 5 years ago, and while we still don't have loads of sims coming out, the flight sim community is fairly healthy and we now have some stunning sims to choose from, and the future is looking fairly good.

While I agree that it is unlikely we will get any help or intrest from large studios these days, and since Ubisoft own the Silent Hunter name it's a pretty good guess that sadly that sim has sunk without trace.

With the new use of Kickstarter, it is now possible, so long as we have a talented bunch who is willing to make us a good subsim, for it to happen.

I mean, look at the success of Star Citizen, and again that is a genre everyone said was dead, think they are only 50k away from hitting 9 million raised through donations, now that shows the power of the people.

Yes we are a niche genre, BUT simmers have never been known for accepting defeat and where there is a will there is a way. I do strongly believe that there is a place for a accurate 100% submarine simulation. The only question is which time period. I believe there would be intrest in any period, so long as the simulation is accurate enough. A full on living and breathing submarine, all switches, doors, hatches etc fully working. Maybe with Multi player crew positions. All with a historical accurate world, correct paint work, radio transmissions etc etc. A lot of work, but certainly nothing that isn't acheivable. Hell our wonderful modders have done a lot of the work to make the world look and feel realistic already.

I for one, would certainly be happy to back something like this on kickstarter. Where there's a will there is a way. While certainly at the moment, we are sinking fast, there is still a hope we can blow those tanks and limp back to port, before coming back out and blowing everyone away.

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