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Old 04-17-13, 02:16 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2013
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I love this type of game.
As to the future of games like it?
Well, tbh, I think that todays generation of young gamers want instant gratification, easy kills, cheats and awesome firepower.

Games like Silent Hunter unfortunately do not fit into this demographic, requiring skill, routine and patience to excel effectively.

To move forward, this genre would need to appeal to both demographics and essentially widen the market.

To appeal to the first SUBset [pardon the pun] it would possibly have to take the form of an arcadey open world format, whereby you have a semi-linear storyline with main missions,a protagonist, ally characters, enemies and an arch nemisis.
Side missions would fill out the game and various "power ups" not related to realism would fulfill the urge of those who feel the necessity to disproportionally wipe everything out of existance.

To appeal to the purist however, the game would need a slightly different tone, still open world play but with the emphasis on realism with attentive graphics and an immersive (should I say SUBmersive for pun no.2!) environment.
It wouldn't change too much from Silent Hunter 3 (not played other versions) in the fact that micro management of several details such as crew, weapons, fatigue, damage etc but with definate improvements related to modern computer hardware to bring it into the 21st century.
The possibility of a choice of theatres from WW2 until present day could appeal with some interesting what if scenarios.
The ability to create your own story is paramount here.

Needless to say, online gaming is also an important part of anygame in this current day and age and would probably appeal to both the gamers and the purist.

Anyway, just my two penneth worth...
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