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Old 03-27-13, 02:32 PM   #10
Killerfish Games
Cold Waters Developer
Join Date: Aug 2012
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v1.04 Testing Complete (YAY!)
It has been a Herculean task, but we're finally there. Overall the game is in great shape and plays fantastically. We have worked to preserve the original game play while adding a much fuller feature set to the game.

Full navigation mode can be incredibly challenging, not in a puzzle way, but in a naval simulation way, as you try to land shots on a maneuvering enemy, while they do the same to you. There will be lots of misses! The game finally feels like the naval simulation we always wanted it to be.

Imperial Japan plays significantly different (and harder) to the US Pacific Fleet, especially since it lacks the submarine and the atomic bomb. You'll be forced to play surface engagements and there are no soft juicy merchants to build up renown with. It is hard going, but unlocking the Yamato eventually evens up the battlefield.

However we have been unable to incorporate most of the new graphics (ships, latest ocean, effects etc), as the old US ships with the new IJN ships just didn't look right. Therefore we have decided to roll out all the new graphics in the next release. It is undecided whether to release v1.04 in its current state, or put it all together with the new graphics in a massive 2.0 release. We'll discuss this more in a bit and maybe put up a poll to solicit your thoughts.

As to v1.04, take a peek at the great wall of text below to see the current state of the game. Almost all of the major issues raised by players have been addressed, especially carrier operations and aircraft balance issues, and we're grateful for your continual feedback and support for the project.

Please note that many bugs were harmed in the making of this update.

What's New:
- Playable Imperial Japan
- 7 new playable ship classes (Akizuki, Agano, Taiyo, Takao, Kongo, Shokaku, Yamato)
- 45 new combat zones against US ships
- Camera pan and zoom now available at all times
- Ship roster for easy selection of all ships in zone
- 14 new achievements (44 in total now)
- Achievements completed by a single navy marked with that nation's flag
- Improved sliders for better fine tuning
- Ships now sink from continuous hits away from the waterline due to fires/structural failure
- Improved ocean graphics
- Bow waves added to all ships
- Ships fly animated nation flags
- Nation flags added to ship info and Action Reports
- AI Japanese carriers no longer launch Ohka aircraft
- Ohka and Kamikaze upgrades now available when playing Imperial Japan
- Burning or heavily damaged (>50%) carriers no longer launch aircraft
- Burning airfields no longer launch aircraft
- Player and AI Aircraft may now attack from any direction
- Enemy aircraft bomb accuracy reduced
- Camera sensitivity slider to adjust camera pan rate
- Graphic detail option for improved performance
- US Heavy bomber now 3D model
- New action, "None", allows skipping of a turn
- Manual corrections and updated for new features

Ship Experience
- Player ships now gain experience and combat bonuses which are lost if sunk
- Rank 1 to 5 stars available
- Bonuses to: turn radius, speed, damage control, RADAR accuracy, torpedo accuracy, anti-aircraft, aircraft durability, aircraft BOMBSIGHTS

Full Navigation Mode (optional)
- Allows 1 movement action followed by 1 combat action per turn
- Variable ships speed (Back, Stop, Ahead 1/3, Ahead 2/3, Ahead Standard, Ahead Full, Flank)
- Variable rudder setting to adjust ship direction
- Ship turn radius based on rudder angle, speed and vessel size
- Full 360 degree aiming of ship weapons
- Guns now have firing arcs that must bear onto target to fire
- Damage done by guns based on number of guns firing at target
- Torpedoes now have firing arcs that must bear onto target (forward for sub, sides for ships)
- Imperial Navy AI escorts now equipped with depth charges (side/rear facing firing arc)
- Aiming line turns white when no weapons on target

Major Bug Fixes:
- Further improved memory management
- Fixed jitter in camera that sometimes occurred when following objects
- AI Ships no longer sail off infinitely
- Getting info on a moving ship no longer breaks game
- Fixed various bugs where player ship could not disengage when all enemy ships sunk
Visit Killerfish Games for more info and ongoing discussion.
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