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Old 02-27-13, 11:31 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Dogfish40 View Post
Ahoy all.
I have just D/L'd the 2.9 version of Dyn'Env (I really love this mod), however, I noticed some time ago that I was getting very little rain in the game. Once in a great while I would get some with lighting and all and I loved it. But lately, never.
I was wondering if anyone else had this effect?! Most people usually complain about too much rain overall in Env'Mods. I'm also wondering if upgrading the Mod will help, as if this has been worked on at all. I know there have been lots of improvements and I can't wait until this evening to load this up, but I need more storms. Too much moderate weather with my currant set.
Hi DogFish, thank you for your report.

I am also curious to know is someone can confirm the problem pointed by you and putting it in relation with DynEnv.

As I stated in a previous post, the only factor which affects the probability of different weathers (including rain, fog and cloud coverage), is current season.

Stock game features only 5 weather zones: 2 polar bands, north and south (with only 1 winter season), 2 temperate bands (with 4 seasons of equal duration) and 1 tropical band (summer). Having introduced many new weather zones, DynEnv adds more variety to the game, and makes seasonal patterns at different latitudes closer to what one would expect in real life.

The one thing which may affect precipitation's duration (but not their probability, as far as I can understand) is that for most weather zones and seasons, min and max weather change intervals have been sensibly shortened. If SH5 rain had a cycle and required a minum rainy weather duration for rain to actually happen, DynEnv might interfere with this cycle, and reduce indirectly rain probability.

This is only a supposition, but if you want I can prepare a longer weather change intervals patch, for you to check if it will affect positively rain chance
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