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Old 01-06-13, 10:44 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Thinking on your glass panel issue, you could try in the gfx driver to switch all options to very conservative settings, or switching them off. You could reach that by right-click on the desktop, then -> nVidia System -> 3D settings -> Tab program setting -> FSX. Leave Antialias and Ansitropic Filter to - application controlled", but tone down the other options or leave the to "general". Make sure the nVidia power-setting for the gfx is for "maximum performance", its in the same menu, and switch off multiple monitors.

Well the thing is it has only happened once or twice. I have come to the conclusion today that the OOM errors do not occure at a specific time, or weather pattern as well. Yesterday I flew a 30 minute flight in a 737, and today I flew an hour and a half flight around Honolulu in a Cessna. Go ahead and take those links down, I cannot use them really from these computers as it is, once I get my personal internet set up in the next few weeks, if you could post them up again and I can thumb through them.

I think my case just seems to be like as you said, some times, FSX decides to play nice, and others, not so nice.

I wanted more traffic so I increased ground traffic to 10% and Airline traffic to 43% and landed in LAX without frame issues at all. Then I did that flight to Chicago, and OOM (With the glass panel issue) 10 mins after takeoff from Cleveland Intl and then on my approach the second time to Chicago. A third time I took off from Chi Ohare (the previous airport I tried to land at the last few times) and flew to KIND without a hitch using the same weather conditions. So for now I feel like it just likes to be finnicky.

My Graphics Card has its own onboard 2GB dedicated memory. Its an Nvidia 660m.

The only other game I have problems with is SH5 and the problem is that Sobers see through wake fix makes my wakes dark black at night which shouldnt happen, and I get banding in the sky at night. Some have mentioned a driver being responsible, and I have yet to switch to the newest Nvidia 660M driver that came out, I meant to but havent yet. I think I may try it out and then if nothing changes or it gets worse roll back.

I am also only runing FSX Im not sure which SP but I want to get Acceleration, is it worth it??

And about X plane, is its performance on computers more taxing, less, or comparable?

Now an FSX question and story.

So on my long 1.5 hour flight today I got the chance to REALLY play around with the GPS and the systems of the Cessna (Small one) and gotta say I finally figured out the working of the GPS. I was able to find my airports, their elevations, and the runways and even set it to certain approach vectors.

Now my question is this, one runway in Honolulu is 4r and 4l and then at the other end its 22r and 22l. So if they direct me to come in on runway 22R does that mean they are having me land from THAT end of the runway? ( I was using VFR rules so I wasnt given a bearing to switch to) Next is what are the keys to see your FPS again? And the keys to do sim speed?

Skybird, I know this is alot but I thank you for all of your kindness and help, you are really helping me through this step by step which I appreciate. I have certainly learned alot about flying and am getting better and better every day (No overspeeds anymore And my landings are getting smoother) Thank you sincerely sir
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