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Old 01-28-06, 10:37 AM   #13
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Default Re: To MOD Or Not To MOD

Originally Posted by TLAM Strike
Originally Posted by Hatch
As for the suggestion of SCS not having enough time to tweak the realism models, I think it’s a weak argument; it certainly does make a convenient one to validate the Modders existence.
The "Weak Argument" is in fact the truth. In three patches SCS has done almost nothing to increase detection ranges to known realistic levels. SA is limited to what they can put in to the sim due to their Government contracts and secrecy (They are a military contractor staffed by many ex-military people). They KNOW stuff is unrealistic (they have admitted it), they know the true speed of a Seawolf Class submarine or the true sensor range of a TB-16 Towed Array, but they can’t change it in DW since putting that information out there could endanger the lives of American service men in the future. Us modders on the other hand can evaluate based on unclassified data that SCS hasn’t paid to use and 1st hand accounts the true speed or a Seawolf Class submarine or the true sensor range of a TB-16 TA and input that in to the sim. If you don’t believe me ask a Russian Submariner if they have a torpedo called the “53cm” or ask a P-3 pilot if his Maverick missile has a 40-mile range and can hit a submarine a 1000 fleet underwater or a SONAR operator if a supertanker just pops up on sonar 20 miles away.
I understand the need to preserve some of that data of realism undisclosed, submarining has by nature been "The silent service" but to counter you point, even though the realism model published by SCS in the stock isn't real life, I beleive a compromise should have been reached by the designers in the fashion that although those values aren't real, they could at least be made into a proposition that satisfied the players gaming experience, not having been made it so extremely bad that warranted a Modder to seemingly step into the fray and stand on the bow and say "I bested their work, I've brought the simulation to a level of reality that the manufacturer couldn't" That my friend is arrogancy at its most blatant display.
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